Diversity Metrics Background

Types of Diversity

  • Gamma Diversity encompasses the diversity of an entire region.
  • Alpha Diversity encompasses the diversity at a sampling site (richness).
  • Beta Diversity encompasses the difference in diversity between samples.
    • Typically calculated through space, but can also be calculated through time.
    • We are thinking about two communities, and how they are different frome each other.

Dissimilarities among communities arises from two different processes:

  • Species Replacement (Turnover): Species tend to replace each other along ecological gradients.
  • Richness differences (Nestedness): One comunity might have more species present than the other. For example, one community may be a nested subset of another community-meaning that with five species at a location, three of those same five might be present at another location.

Beta Diversity Indices: Jaccard vs. Sorensen

  • Jaccard calculates the unique species as a proportion of the total number of species recorded in the two communities.
  • Sorensen does the same, but double weights the shared species.
  • Sorensen therefore always has a lower value than Jaccard.

Two Families of Beta Diversity

Table 1: Podani & Baslega Family Calculations

Podani Baslega
Jaccard \[Repl_J = \frac{2 \min(b, c)}{(a + b + c)}\] \[Repl_{BJ} = \beta_{Jtu} = \frac{2 \min(b, c)}{a + 2 \min(b, c)}\]
\[Rich_J = \frac{|b - c|}{(a + b + c)}\] \[Nes_{BJ} = \beta_{jne} = DJ - \beta_{Jtu} = \frac{|b - c|}{a + b + c} \times \frac{a}{a + 2 \min(b, c)}\]
Sorensen \[Repl_S = \frac{2 \min(b, c)}{(2a + b + c)}\] \[Repl_{BS} = \beta_{Sim} = \frac{\min(b, c)}{a + \min(b, c)}\]
\[Rich_S = \frac{|b - c|}{(2a + b + c)}\] \[Nes_{BS} = \beta_{nes} = DS - \beta_{Sim} = \frac{|b - c|}{2a + b + c} \times \frac{a}{a + \min(b, c)}\]


  • a is the shared species.
  • b & c the number of sapecies that are unique to either the first (b) or second (c) community.

The Doubs Fish Dataset - Verneaux, J. (1973)

Let’s view the dataset! The Doubs Fish dataset contains fish taxa as columns, each of the 30 rows is a site, and the row value represents the amount of observations at that site.

fish = doubs$fish
fish = fish[-8,] # Remove site 8 which has no observations for any fish.
##   Cogo Satr Phph Neba Thth Teso Chna Chto Lele Lece Baba Spbi Gogo Eslu
## 1    0    3    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## 2    0    5    4    3    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## 3    0    5    5    5    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1
## 4    0    4    5    5    0    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    1    2
## 5    0    2    3    2    0    0    0    0    5    2    0    0    2    4
## 6    0    3    4    5    0    0    0    0    1    2    0    0    1    1

Each column is a species of fish, while each row is a site with the number of each species observed at that site.

Assessing Fish Gamma Diversity

Gamma diversity is essentially the total number of unique species across all sites.

# Calculate gamma diversity (total species richness across all sites)
gamma_diversity <- specnumber(colSums(fish))

# Display gamma diversity result
cat("Gamma Diversity (Total Species Richness):", gamma_diversity, "\n")
## Gamma Diversity (Total Species Richness): 27

Assessing Fish Alpha Diversity

Alpha diversity refers to the diversity within a particular area or ecosystem, and is typically expressed by the number of species (species richness) in that ecosystem.

# Calculate species richness (alpha diversity) for each site
alpha_diversity <- specnumber(fish)

# Calculate Shannon diversity index for each site
shannon_diversity <- diversity(fish, index = "shannon")

# Calculate Simpson diversity index for each site
simpson_diversity <- diversity(fish, index = "simpson")

# Display results
alpha_results <- data.frame(Site = rownames(fish), 
                            Species_Richness = alpha_diversity,
                            Shannon_Index = shannon_diversity,
                            Simpson_Index = simpson_diversity)
##    Site Species_Richness Shannon_Index Simpson_Index
## 1     1                1      0.000000     0.0000000
## 2     2                3      1.077556     0.6527778
## 3     3                4      1.263741     0.7031250
## 4     4                8      1.882039     0.8253968
## 5     5               11      2.329070     0.8961938
## 6     6               10      2.108294     0.8571429
## 7     7                5      1.420116     0.7343750
## 9     9                5      1.432757     0.7346939
## 10   10                6      1.648847     0.7857143
## 11   11                6      1.594167     0.7603306
## 12   12                6      1.673142     0.7962963
## 13   13                6      1.705013     0.8033241
## 14   14               10      2.125904     0.8673469
## 15   15               11      2.322898     0.8962351
## 16   16               17      2.643290     0.9175000
## 17   17               22      2.941232     0.9400826
## 18   18               23      3.023328     0.9467120
## 19   19               23      2.962449     0.9395085
## 20   20               22      2.992018     0.9451531
## 21   21               23      3.038689     0.9479709
## 22   22               22      3.015832     0.9483025
## 23   23                3      1.039721     0.6250000
## 24   24                8      1.894312     0.8177778
## 25   25                8      1.972247     0.8429752
## 26   26               21      2.904931     0.9378042
## 27   27               22      2.952539     0.9428068
## 28   28               22      2.986392     0.9461224
## 29   29               26      3.144175     0.9538909
## 30   30               21      2.996777     0.9486176

Assessing Fish Beta Diversity

Calculate Beta Diversity Components

We can utilize the beta.div.comp() function from the adespatial package in order to calculate fish replacement and richness difference components. This utilizes our fish species presence-absence data, and for this analysis we will be focusing on the Podani family of indices which includes the Jaccard and Sorensen dissimilarity coefficients and their quantitative forms.

Jaccard’s Component Beta Diversity

# Calculate Beta Diversity Components for Jaccard
fish.bd.j = beta.div.comp(fish, coef = "J", quant = T)

# View Jaccard's Beta Diversity Components
##         BDtotal            Repl         RichDif    Repl/BDtotal RichDif/BDtotal 
##       0.3770111       0.1414749       0.2355362       0.3752539       0.6247461

Jaccard’s Component Beta Diversity Interpretation

  • BDtotal = Total Beta Diversity = 37.7%: Suggests that about 37.7% of the species composition is different among the sites. This means that the sites share some species, but there are also species that are unique to each site.
  • Repl = Replacement: 14.15% of Beta Diversity is accounted for by Replacement
  • RichDif = Richness Difference: 23.55% of Beta Diversity is accounted for by Richness Differences
  • Proportions of influence are calculated with Repl/BDtotal and RichDif/BDtotal, which tell us that 37.53% of Beta Diversity is proportionally influenced by Replacement and 62.47% is by Richness Differences (sums to 1).

Sorensen’s Component Beta Diversity

# Calculate Beta Diversity Components for Sorensen
fish.bd.s = beta.div.comp(fish, coef = "S", quant = T)

# View Sorensen's Beta Diversity Components
##         BDtotal            Repl         RichDif    Repl/BDtotal RichDif/BDtotal 
##       0.3237960       0.1203572       0.2034388       0.3717068       0.6282932

Sorensen’s Component Beta Diversity Interpretation

  • BDtotal = Total Beta Diversity = 32.38%: Suggests that about 32.38% of the species composition is different among the sites. This means that the sites share some species, but there are also species that are unique to each site.
  • Repl = Replacement: 12.03% of Beta Diversity is accounted for by Replacement
  • RichDif = Richness Difference: 20.03% of Beta Diversity is accounted for by Richness Differences
  • Proportions of influence are calculated with Repl/BDtotal and RichDif/BDtotal, which tell us that 37.17% of Beta Diversity is proportionally influenced by Replacement and 62.83% is by Richness Differences (sums to 1).

Calculate Local Contributions to Beta Diversity

Local Contributions to Beta Diversity narrows the scope from all sites, like in the previous calculation of Beta Diversity Components, to site specific contributions.

Jaccard’s Local Contributions to Beta Diversity

Jaccard’s Local Replacement Contributions to Beta Diversity

# Calculate Local Contribution to Beta Diversity for Jaccard
local.repl.j = LCBD.comp(fish.bd.j$repl, sqrt.D = T)

# View Jaccard's Local Replacement Contributions
## $beta
##   SStotal   BDtotal 
## 3.9612967 0.1414749 
## $LCBD
##  [1] -0.006412591  0.031057500  0.045826744  0.041488590  0.050099738
##  [6]  0.033288092  0.038157146  0.062190531  0.036298246  0.029138579
## [11]  0.045281708  0.062168779  0.049345906  0.042641201  0.042421271
## [16]  0.032310835  0.034572053  0.032215076  0.024644628  0.022357400
## [21]  0.017866032  0.006678116  0.068538661  0.049834767  0.044771438
## [26]  0.027217645  0.022237378  0.001319271  0.012445261

Jaccard’s Local Richness Difference Contributions to Beta Diversity

# Calculate Jaccard's Local Richness Difference / Turnover Contributions
local.rich.j = LCBD.comp(fish.bd.j$rich, sqrt.D = T)

# View Jaccard's Local Richness Difference / Turnover Contributions
## $beta
##   SStotal   BDtotal 
## 6.5950132 0.2355362 
## $LCBD
##  [1] 0.08471002 0.03689583 0.02564589 0.02430854 0.02430643 0.02590333
##  [7] 0.02669263 0.02994095 0.03192175 0.04130865 0.02413163 0.02188155
## [13] 0.02361610 0.02475546 0.02535543 0.02748067 0.02614698 0.02769883
## [19] 0.03182826 0.03395379 0.03931829 0.07649302 0.02911869 0.04087927
## [25] 0.02497104 0.03370123 0.03776519 0.05017985 0.04909067

Sorensen’s Local Contributions to Beta Diversity

Sorensen’s Local Replacement Contributions to Beta Diversity

# Calculate Sorensen's Local Replacement Contributions
local.repl.s = LCBD.comp(fish.bd.s$repl, sqrt.D = T)

# View Sorensen's Local Replacement Contributions
## $beta
##   SStotal   BDtotal 
## 3.3700008 0.1203572 
## $LCBD
##  [1] -0.001714649  0.035404519  0.047725546  0.038258992  0.044715682
##  [6]  0.028114225  0.038277136  0.063242693  0.033338279  0.030989795
## [11]  0.046741511  0.065791821  0.050770890  0.040029554  0.036657017
## [16]  0.024921859  0.027294303  0.025612533  0.022755535  0.021960902
## [21]  0.018499105  0.012371688  0.078778104  0.057510394  0.046333699
## [26]  0.027675386  0.022676147  0.001344199  0.013923136

Sorensen’s Local Richness Difference Contributions to Beta Diversity

# Calculate Sorensen's Local Richness Difference / Turnover Contributions
local.rich.s = LCBD.comp(fish.bd.s$rich, sqrt.D = T)

# View Sorensen's Local Richness Difference / Turnover Contributions
## $beta
##   SStotal   BDtotal 
## 5.6962869 0.2034388 
## $LCBD
##  [1] 0.09507352 0.03703022 0.02624392 0.02225857 0.02151469 0.02225857
##  [7] 0.02624392 0.03040469 0.03040469 0.04105238 0.02404728 0.02326592
## [13] 0.02162119 0.02143146 0.02261790 0.02400430 0.02313578 0.02519746
## [19] 0.03116836 0.03454923 0.04099183 0.08552391 0.02810169 0.04105238
## [25] 0.02351030 0.03515723 0.03965913 0.05062086 0.05185863

Local Contributions to Beta Diversity

Table 2: Jaccard’s Local Contributions to Beta Diversity

Site Repl. LCBD Repl. Impact RD LCBD RD Impact
1 -0.006412591 Low Impact 0.08471002 High Impact
2 0.031057500 Medium Impact 0.03689583 Medium Impact
3 0.045826744 Medium Impact 0.02564589 Medium Impact
4 0.041488590 Medium Impact 0.02430854 Medium Impact
5 0.050099738 High Impact 0.02430643 Medium Impact
6 0.033288092 Medium Impact 0.02590333 Medium Impact
7 0.038157146 Medium Impact 0.02669263 Medium Impact
8 0.062190531 High Impact 0.02994095 Medium Impact
9 0.036298246 Medium Impact 0.03192175 Medium Impact
10 0.029138579 Medium Impact 0.04130865 High Impact
11 0.045281708 Medium Impact 0.02413163 Medium Impact
12 0.062168779 High Impact 0.02188155 Medium Impact
13 0.049345906 Medium Impact 0.02361610 Medium Impact
14 0.042641201 Medium Impact 0.02475546 Medium Impact
15 0.042421271 Medium Impact 0.02535543 Medium Impact
16 0.032310835 Medium Impact 0.02748067 Medium Impact
17 0.034572053 Medium Impact 0.02614698 Medium Impact
18 0.032215076 Medium Impact 0.02769883 Medium Impact
19 0.024644628 Medium Impact 0.03182826 Medium Impact
20 0.022357400 Medium Impact 0.03395379 Medium Impact
21 0.017866032 Low Impact 0.03931829 High Impact
22 0.006678116 Low Impact 0.07649302 High Impact
23 0.068538661 High Impact 0.02911869 Medium Impact
24 0.049834767 Medium Impact 0.04087927 High Impact
25 0.044771438 Medium Impact 0.02497104 Medium Impact
26 0.027217645 Medium Impact 0.03370123 Medium Impact
27 0.022237378 Medium Impact 0.03776519 Medium Impact
28 0.001319271 Low Impact 0.05017985 High Impact
29 0.012445261 Low Impact 0.04909067 Medium Impact

Table 3: Sorensen’s Local Contributions to Beta Diversity

Site Repl. LCBD Repl. Impact RD LCBD RD Impact
1 -0.001714649 Low Impact 0.09507352 High Impact
2 0.035404519 Medium Impact 0.03703022 Medium Impact
3 0.047725546 Medium Impact 0.02624392 Medium Impact
4 0.038258992 Medium Impact 0.02225857 Medium Impact
5 0.044715682 Medium Impact 0.02151469 Medium Impact
6 0.028114225 Medium Impact 0.02225857 Medium Impact
7 0.038277136 Medium Impact 0.02624392 Medium Impact
8 0.063242693 High Impact 0.03040469 Medium Impact
9 0.033338279 Medium Impact 0.03040469 Medium Impact
10 0.030989795 Medium Impact 0.04105238 High Impact
11 0.046741511 Medium Impact 0.02404728 Medium Impact
12 0.065791821 High Impact 0.02326592 Medium Impact
13 0.050770890 High Impact 0.02162119 Medium Impact
14 0.040029554 Medium Impact 0.02143146 Medium Impact
15 0.036657017 Medium Impact 0.02261790 Medium Impact
16 0.024921859 Medium Impact 0.02400430 Medium Impact
17 0.027294303 Medium Impact 0.02313578 Medium Impact
18 0.025612533 Medium Impact 0.02519746 Medium Impact
19 0.022755535 Medium Impact 0.03116836 Medium Impact
20 0.021960902 Medium Impact 0.03454923 High Impact
21 0.018499105 Low Impact 0.04099183 High Impact
22 0.012371688 Low Impact 0.08552391 High Impact
23 0.078778104 High Impact 0.02810169 Medium Impact
24 0.057510394 High Impact 0.04105238 High Impact
25 0.046333699 Medium Impact 0.02351030 Medium Impact
26 0.027675386 Medium Impact 0.03515723 High Impact
27 0.022676147 Medium Impact 0.03965913 High Impact
28 0.001344199 Low Impact 0.05062086 High Impact
29 0.013923136 Low Impact 0.05185863 High Impact

Calculate Species Contribution to Beta Diversity

# Calculate Species Contribution to Beta Diversity
SCBD = beta.div(fish, method = "hellinger")

# View Species Contribution to Beta Diversity
## $beta
##    SStotal    BDtotal 
## 14.0702872  0.5025103 
## $SCBD
##       Cogo       Satr       Phph       Neba       Thth       Teso       Chna 
## 0.03179477 0.14229130 0.09491247 0.07129053 0.03367740 0.03031386 0.01535243 
##       Chto       Lele       Lece       Baba       Spbi       Gogo       Eslu 
## 0.02335210 0.03448797 0.03534994 0.02901233 0.02093510 0.03134639 0.02722712 
##       Pefl       Rham       Legi       Scer       Cyca       Titi       Abbr 
## 0.02705394 0.02321227 0.02060750 0.01900080 0.01654732 0.02923874 0.01899880 
##       Icme       Acce       Ruru       Blbj       Alal       Anan 
## 0.01330308 0.03326809 0.05494183 0.02410392 0.07964366 0.01873634 
## $LCBD
##          1          2          3          4          5          6          7 
## 0.07252040 0.04446478 0.04104101 0.02797626 0.02645407 0.01997878 0.03448857 
##          9         10         11         12         13         14         15 
## 0.04090284 0.03092578 0.03935674 0.03897281 0.04773390 0.03469917 0.02892282 
##         16         17         18         19         20         21         22 
## 0.02303320 0.01719880 0.01606821 0.01941901 0.02358674 0.02622679 0.03032694 
##         23         24         25         26         27         28         29 
## 0.06155305 0.05241202 0.04756547 0.03046571 0.03078689 0.03168996 0.02372550 
##         30 
## 0.03750379 
## $p.LCBD
##     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     9    10    11    12    13    14 
## 0.001 0.092 0.166 0.862 0.907 0.998 0.523 0.195 0.686 0.237 0.217 0.032 0.399 
##    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27 
## 0.758 0.967 1.000 1.000 0.998 0.967 0.907 0.710 0.001 0.012 0.036 0.695 0.669 
##    28    29    30 
## 0.630 0.967 0.311 
## $p.adj
##     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     9    10    11    12    13    14 
## 0.029 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.832 1.000 
##    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27 
## 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.029 0.324 0.900 1.000 1.000 
##    28    29    30 
## 1.000 1.000 1.000 
## $method
## [1] "hellinger" NA         
## $note
## [1] "Info -- This coefficient is Euclidean"
## $D
## [1] NA
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "beta.div"

Table 4: Species Contributions to Beta Diversity

Species SCBD Impact
Cogo 0.03179477 Medium Impact
Satr 0.14229130 High Impact
Phph 0.09491247 High Impact
Neba 0.07129053 High Impact
Thth 0.03367740 Medium Impact
Teso 0.03031386 Medium Impact
Chna 0.01535243 Low Impact
Chto 0.02335210 Medium Impact
Lele 0.03448797 Medium Impact
Lece 0.03534994 Medium Impact
Baba 0.02901233 Medium Impact
Spbi 0.02093510 Low Impact
Gogo 0.03134639 Medium Impact
Eslu 0.02722712 Medium Impact
Pefl 0.02705394 Medium Impact
Rham 0.02321227 Medium Impact
Legi 0.02060750 Low Impact
Scer 0.01900080 Low Impact
Cyca 0.01654732 Low Impact
Titi 0.02923874 Medium Impact
Abbr 0.01899880 Low Impact
Icme 0.01330308 Low Impact
Acce 0.03326809 Medium Impact
Ruru 0.05494183 High Impact
Blbj 0.02410392 Medium Impact
Alal 0.07964366 High Impact
Anan 0.01873634 Low Impact