
  • 2024
  • Massachusetts
    Department of Agriculture
    Deerfield, MA
  • Environmental Analyst I
    Leveraged deep learning to detect mosquito vector habitat from aerial imagery.
    Designed scientific maps for public outreach in the pioneer valley mosquito control districts.
    Trapped mosquitos with CDC and gravid traps for identification and disease screening.
  • 2023
  • New England Regional Center
    for Vector-Borne Diseases
    Amherst, MA
  • Geospatial Research Analyst
    Identified tick hotspots in Massachusetts for population control treatments.
    Composed analytical reports for over 15 unique project methods.
    Scripted flexible and automated research methods in R.
  • 2021
    2yr 6mo
  • Invasive Forest Insects
    Research Lab
    Amherst, MA
  • Insect Conservation Lab Technician
    Forecasted species distribution models of 45 invasive species in R.
    Morphometric analysis of 75 moth wings for taxonomic identification in R.
    Genetically distinguished species of 60 moth samples utilizing PCR.
  • 2023
  • Spatial Ecology
    Research Lab
    Amherst, MA
  • Invasive Plant Research Lab Technician
    Constructed spatial analytics of invasive plants spread via nursery trade in R.
    Established novel spatial metrics and documented workflows.
    Formulated academic figure design, scripting, and presentation.
  • 2022
  • Bureau of Land Management
    Roseburg, OR
  • Invasive Plant Restoration Field Technician
    Invasive and rare plant field surveys using Avenza Maps and S1.
    Integrative pest management using herbicide in spray, cut stump, and frill treatments.
    Oregon native, nonnative, and invasive plant identification using a dichotomous key
    Seed collection, processing, and restorative planting in fire-disturbed areas.
  • 2019
    1yr 10mo
  • Avian Eco-physiology
    Research Lab
    Amherst, MA
  • Insect & Avian Research Lab Technician
    Collected moth fat, lean, and water mass data using QMR and Soxhlet Lipid Extraction.
    Animal care for 20 Gray Catbirds undergoing photoperiod manipulation research.
    Presented at the 25th Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference.
  • 2019
  • The Institute for
    Bird Populations
    Hadley, MA
  • Assistant Bird Bander & Scribe
    Identification and handling of caught bird species.
    Scribed over 50 real time bander’s reports on caught bird characteristics.
  • Teaching

  • 2024
  • University of
    Amherst, MA
  • College Lecturer - Spatial Data Analysis in R
    Designed and delivered a comprehensive curriculum on spatial analysis using R.
    Taught 18 students GIS methods to script non-trivial spatial analytics with R.
    Administered labs, answered students questions, and hosted office hours.
  • 2021
  • University of
    Amherst, MA
  • Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry Teaching Assistant
    Hosted review sessions and office hours to help students learn class material.
  • 2019
  • University of
    Amherst, MA
  • Introduction to Biology Teaching Assistant
    Administered labs, answered student questions, graded midterm exams and final projects,
    and hosted office hours and help sessions
  • Education

  • 2023
  • University of
  • Masters of Science in Geographical Information Science & Technology
    Designed research methodologies for spatial biostatistics of invasive plants and insects.
  • 2022
  • University of
  • Bachelors of Science in Environmental Science
    Developed skills in environmental consulting and site assessment while exploring interdisciplinary studies.
  • 2022
  • University of
  • Bachelors of Science in Biology
    Researched the physiology of moths, and methods to identify identical species taxonomically.
  • Skills


  • Software
    Adobe Creative Suite
    ArcGIS Pro + Online
    Agisoft Metashape
    ESRI Mobile Applications
  • Certifications
    Game of Logging | Levels 1 & 2
    NOLS Wilderness First Aid
    S130/190 Wildland Firefighter
  • Programming
    Python, R, SQL
  • Licenses
    MA Class D Drivers License
    Oregon Public Pesticide Applicators License
  • Markdown
    HTML, CSS, LaTeX